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Our Travellers Feedback
- Kavitha and Vivek
"Mauritius - Preskil Beach Resort Hello Angela Once again, thank you so much for the good organisation. We had a lovely time in Mauritius. Loved every moment. It was smooth traveling and what a wonderful experience with kind friendly people, gorgeous views and multi cultural cuisines. It was really worthwhile visiting. We will hopefully be in touch again soon. Kind Regards, Kavitha "
Trevor"Bali - Royal Beach Resort, Seminyak and Ubud Village Resort Hi Lindsay Thanks very much – we had a fantastic time and made lifetime memories J Ubud is a must as the hotel was one of the best I've stayed at. Once again, thanks for your terrific assistance – we will definitely recommend you! Best regards Trevor"
Travelling with Us?
Travel with Computravel and experience the world first hand, knowing that we are just a phone call or email away to sort out any hitches you may experience during your travels.
These days travel can be stressful due to weather conditions, delays in flights or flight cancellations, missed connections, missing flights due to delays in getting to check-in in time – on unfortunate occasions like these we are there to hold your hand and guide you in the best way possible to overcome the obstacles of such events happening.
Specific requirements
Individual Travel needs
We look at your individual travel needs and then provide the best options and prices based on a well rounded solution for your specific requirements.
We know what is important
Our priority is always to look at cost-efficient travel experiences
Saving money is not just about low prices, but is also about quality and choice offering the best value for your spend. That is what we do we offer you the best value-for-money travel.
We have Travel Expertise
Our commitment is that our clients enjoy a complete travel experience.
Our knowledge of global leisure travel is one of our best assets. Since 2008 clients have endorsed our travel expertise with their gratitude and repeat bookings. We place huge emphasis on proper training and knowledge to support any journey. Sustained training to develop our expertise is a valuable asset we take seriously.
Advice and Guidance
We advice our clients about safety/security, health, etc.
We make sure we have given our clients all the advice and guidance needed for their travel experience and the answers to any questions regarding their trip. This includes up to date information regarding our clients safety/security, health, weather or any other matter concerning the country you will be visiting.
Customized Travel Experience
We save you time and money
When travelling with us you save time. Since we live in a time deprived society, we provide a customized travel experience at the right quality and price but we also save you, our valuable client, time and unproductive energy. Computravel Staging Site
About Computravel
Computravel serves as an online South African travel
agent, boasting highly professional experts with years in the tourism and hospitality
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